Free Will, Suicide and Groundhog Day…

Before you came to this life, you had a plan. You asked a Guide who has incarnated thousands of times to help you. It’s your Master Guide’s job to give you backup in the form of other guides and to inform your Guardian Angel and his legion of help when needed. You have free will to deviate from your plan. It usually involves ego and leaves your guides shaking their heads. It’s ok though because they will add the lesson for you in the future. You learn your lessons in Earth School and it gets crossed off the list. What lessons? Compassion, unconditional love, grief, pain, suffering, love…all the Jesus stuff.

You’ve got to learn the lessons on the earth plane because you can’t learn pain, suffering and grief in paradise on the other side in what I call heaven. Believe me, it is free will and ego that keeps getting in our way of evolving our soul so we don’t have to keep incarnating.

Because we have free will, suicide is always on the table and a viable method to eject from your jet without a parachute. Pain, suffering, grief all at one time are hard for all but the most evolved and old souls to handle. I think that some old souls do commit suicide to help others in their soul group evolve. At some point in your reincarnations you will experience everything there is to experience.

Reincarnation was the hardest thing in my life to wrap my head around. This from a guy who was talking to dead people. It doesn’t matter if you believe or not, you will be back my friend. Early Christians, Jews, Hindu’s and Buddhist’s believed. I don’t know a legit medium that doesn’t believe.

Reincarnation 101: Your Soul is in heaven right now. You hook back up with it every night, talk to your soul group, Guides and Angels. You bring down about 25% of your soul to Earth school to learn the lessons to evolve your soul to a higher plane, like the one Jesus and Saints are on.

Groundhog day: You’re not going to learn all the lessons you want to learn in one lifetime. If you learn one really good lesson you are lucky. There are always the show offs that endure everything in this life, we call them Saints. It’s ok that it takes a while because if you live to be 100 years old, on the other side it will have been like two weeks passed by. You come up with another life script and get most of your soul group together and jump back in the deep in.

So one of the opportunities of Free Will is the ability to go off road, off script and do your own damn thing. It’s troubling when I have people ask me if they take their own lives will they go to heaven and get to see their loved ones. The honest answer is yeas and no. There is a catch. Just like the movie Catch 22, if you know the difference in pain and happiness and know the difference in right and wrong, you shouldn’t be asking. When you kill yourself, you get to start over immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, you get a different life with the same script, of pain, struggle, suffering again. You don’t hang out with your soul group, you have to come back to Earth School and go through the same lessons again that got you to this terrible place in your life. My advice is to ride it out at all possible costs and graduate with your soul group so you can evolve your soul. Easier said than done.

No matter how screwed up your life is right now, remember you and some other wise souls picked this life for some reason. The next life, you get to pick another role! That’s the good part about reincarnation. You do get to do it all. Don’t get stuck in the Groundhog movie, repeating everything until you get it right. This is a tough life. We picked it. I often regret it. Tune out the garbage in your life and try to stay on your path. You will know your path, because it will be difficult. Your ego will want to take the short cuts, but do the right thing! Sorry this took so long to explain. I’m sure I’ll do a better job in my next life. :)