It was their Eyes and Smile…

Many times without asking, a spirit will tell me that they fell in love with their loved one who are still living, the first time they gazed into their eyes and saw them smile. Then they may go on and on about their loved ones eyes or smile, before I break up the love fest and ask for more things in their life that we can validate.

But think how important it was to meet one of your soul mates and have a relationship with them. I don’t think the whole Eyes and Smile thing is BS. Your eyes are like fingerprints and no one has the same print. Add that up to a particular smile and bingo! Are smiles just as different as fingerprints and eyes?

I do know before you came down here you were allowed to see video clips of your life and how it would unfold. I believe in free will, but that we chose most of our life lessons and who we would be learning with in our soul group, the good, the bad and the ugly. I think your subconscious remembers those clips so you know who you are supposed to be with at a certain time in your life. You might want to glance into the strangers eyes one more time and note their smile.

PS, you have more than one soul mate! To be continued…