Do you know anything about your Grandparents or Great-Grandparents?

Because they know everything about you! Once you crossover you get to rewind the video of everybody’s lives you were connected to. They know everything about you from the time you were born to seconds ago.

Sometimes Spirit gives me specific dates for birthdays, death days and anniversaries. They do this so you can validate someone connected to you. I may not be able to get or pronounce their name, but they can flip through a calendar and tell me, June, 4th, 1946.

I am the spitting image of my Great-Grandfather when we were both 21, mustache and all. So did I choose to look like him in this life? Why am I drawn to different cities in the U.S.? Is it Deja vu? Or just a past life? Get to know your family tree, you may be surprised!